Jan. 28, 2010 While the Baltimore Sun visual at left handily depicts the pros and cons of the new iPad tablet gizmo at a glance, geek girls and IT career women have been raising an iBrow at the iPad feminine hygiene connotations, as well as the more affordable than expected price. Teens, however? Not so much. One girl vehemently claimed it was ‘idiotic’ to make the leap … [Read more...]
Default: The Student Loan Documentary Needs Your Vote On Ideablob!
July 9, 2009 Update 7-13: 24 hrs. left for them to qualify this round, lend a hand if you can! "Default." Say what? It’s rare that I’d ‘advocate for default’ but in this case, it’s well-warranted, as it’s an important movie-in-the-making (trailer after the jump) by the same name! The DEFAULT movie is the passion project of two filmmakers (now friends) of mine that I met via … [Read more...]
Grown Up Digital: Don Tapscott’s Latest On ‘Generation Net’
June 15, 2009 “A revolution doesn’t happen in society when you adopt new tools, a revolution in society happens when you adopt new behaviors.” That digital premise opens up the debate for the 21st century tug-o-war of perception between what Wikinomics author Don Tapscott of Grown Up Digital calls the ‘smartest generation’ and what his nemesis, Mark Bauerlein of Emery … [Read more...]