A HUGE Opportunity: Don’t Blow It ABC Family (Pt 1)

June 24, 2010 “An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.”  ---Bill Bernbach Those timeless words of the venerable ad legend capture the power and potential of HUGE a new series that plops over-sized youth into a weight loss camp amidst a global obesity conversation...(premieres Mon., June 28 on ABC Family) I’m thrilled mainstream … [Read more...]

Help SPARK a Name for the Sexualization Summit To Ignite Change!

June 21, 2010 As the summer solstice kicks off, the energy is heating up over the buzz about the SPARK! summit challenging the sexualization of girls and women in media, and advocates are already been asking the ‘who what where when’ questions (alas, the ‘why’ is self-evident, from BabyGaga to daily drek d'jour) SPARK! Ignites a flame of action bringing together teen girls … [Read more...]

New Media Men Teach Mainstream Media About Fatherhood

June 20, 2010 In honor of Father’s Day, we’re interested in deconstructing roles portrayed through mainstream media in the hopes that sensationalized headlines will 'catch up' to the reality of new media/new reinventions of manhood to see how they compare and contrast to life’s own “reality shows” in today's homes. Examples? Dismissive missives like the Atlantic's 'Are … [Read more...]

Dad’s Day Media: A Boy Needs Rules! Walker Lamond Says So

June 19, 2010 “Let’s get some things straight before I get old and uncool.” This is Walker Lamond’s 'dad-to-be' premise awaiting his son, who arrived shortly after publication... “Rules for my Unborn Son” is a simple distillation of thoughts to be a ‘good man’ some of which you'll agree with, others which could merit a 'meh,' (submit a rule on the blog) but with media's … [Read more...]

Piggies & Paws For Papa’s Day: Keepsakes For Life

June 17, 2010 Digital footprints have taken on a new meaning... Yesterday I wrote about new baby Noah Silverman and the future of early learning in his media world, today, I'm literally writing about digital fingerprints created via new media art forms, blending traditional art with electronics to scale and expand familial bonds globally. (Springwise shared Tokyo designers … [Read more...]