Hey Kids: Is There A Market for Healthy Games?

June 28, 2009 There's no question healthGAMERS are exploring the opportunities of using a "perceived problem as a solution" in the gaming world. Humana is now offering $5000 to create a healthy game concept, RWJF crowdsourced ideas in Teen Second Life with their Dream it. Do it. venture for healthier communities and Elf Island's already seeing therapeutic results in their … [Read more...]

healthGAMERS: Newly Launched Hub For Serious Gaming

June 26, 2009 Just as some kids can sniff out an ‘educational’ experience and shut the learning light switch off (or dim it at best) others do the same with the phrase "Serious Games." Though it's an accurate label for the new healthGAMERS site, I hesitate to use ‘serious games’ because it can send people bolting in the opposite direction faster than you can say ‘disease … [Read more...]

Social Media ABC’s: An International Opportunity

June 23, 2009 Changeblogger and informal learning pro Jasmin Tragas, (also one of my fellow NextNow Collaboratory global gal pals and co-contributors to the Age of Conversation Gavin Heaton and Drew McClellan's collaborative social media project for Variety, the Children’s charity) has put together a stunningly simple alphabet slide show that's Sesame-Street-easy in imparting … [Read more...]

Father’s Day For $5: Kids Want to “Use Their Own Money”

June 19, 2016 Update For kids who don't have much coinage and dads who aren't big on consumption, homemade 'aww' gifts always appeal, but for those tweens and teens frustrated by their dad's shoulder shrug about the whole fandango, here's a FREE last minute download certificate to show you care without spending a cent. Yep. That's right. For kids asking, "Dad,What d'ya want … [Read more...]

FREE iPhone Apps Dad Will Appreciate More Than Soap On A Rope

June 19, 2009 Let’s face it, young kids win ‘em over with artsy casts of their little hands, or fingerprinted cards and plates, poems, rhymes, recitals and songs... ...But some tweens and teens start running out of useful ideas once they’ve gifted freebie music mixes, personal playlists, chore chart IOUs to wash the car and all that good stuff. So how can kids dodge the … [Read more...]