Grab-n-Go Squeezable Pouch Foods: Ease or Eww?

Oct. 16, 2015 Update: Heads up on the voluntary recall of GoGoSqueez pouches with these summer 2016 pull dates, which have had mold discovered in them. I first found the mold in our own stash in the garage when my volleyball crew gave me a wince-worthy 'eww' but I couldn't find any damage to the packaging and it seemed random, since I tried one myself, so I hadn't tossed … [Read more...]

Vanished Edu-Game: 11 Yr Old Rylan Reports “Back from the Future”

June 20, 2011 Mission? Make learning fun. Investigators? Preteens. GameQuest? STEM studies, deeply rooted in gaming fun. I’ve been saving this post about MIT MediaLab/Education Arcade's Vanished game for today’s opening of the Games For Change festival in NYC, since their keynote speaker Al Gore has been taking questions @G4C on Twitter about best practices to engage … [Read more...]

Starting From Scratch: Making STEM Easy, Kid-Friendly & Fun

Update: July 30, 2014  Scratch Junior ( was just released for the iPad today, and it's FREE. Thx @360Kid for sharing that news!  Original Post June 13, 2011: I get far too geeky and jargon-ish when it comes to enthusiasm over kids’ science, technology, engineering, and math innovations, (STEM) in hopes of engaging and retaining girls in the field, so I’ll cap the … [Read more...]

Man Down? Girl Up, Rihanna. Own Your Influence.

June 6, 2011 We interrupt our positive picks programming to hand over a pail and a scrub brush so parents can prep for the latest mop up of "young and the RECKLESS"... This week in Rihanna Redux, she's once again baiting outrage by splattering revenge fantasies around the interwebs with ambient buzz in Rihanna's new "Man Down" video about a woman who shoots and kills her … [Read more...]

One World Futbol: Where Do The Children Play? Anywhere.

Update: July 13, 2014 World Cup Finals! Congratulations to Germany, who just won in extra time against Argentina to take the honor at The World Cup 2014. From media literacy lessons on what's left out in news coverage, showing a brighter side of Rio vs the underbelly of tough truths (expecting even more 'best foot forward' coverage for the 2016 Olympics ahead) to the heartening … [Read more...]