Positive Picks In Media & Marketing: Pigtail Pals, Redefining Girly

May 5, 2011 To prevent founder flameout and “battle fatigue” in the fight to win the hearts and mindshare of our children, I’ve decided to devote May to “spring forward” with media and marketing examples of companies, orgs, and projects who are POSITIVE influences and  “doing it right.” Shaping Youth is shining the spotlight on indie entities we WISH would get more play … [Read more...]

Bin Laden’s Death, Media, & Kids: Teach Your Children Well

May 2, 2011 (At left, forthcoming Time magazine cover this week) Hmn. Thoughts? As one tweet said, I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. … [Read more...]

Tips For Handling A Real Life “Sue Sylvester From Glee”

Update: April 2, 2013 Given Mike Rice's conduct berating players at practice captured on cam and sent all over the social media airwaves w/Rutgers news today, I have to reprise this post to remind that this DOES happen at the high school and club level on teams as well, as I can attest to firsthand. Despite life skills and tips from the Positive Coaching Alliance, I've … [Read more...]

Lessons From Youth On Screen Free Week: Perception Vs. Reality

Apr. 20, 2011 Screen Free Week April 18-24 If I’m "Captain of this Ship," then there’s been a mutiny and I’m walking the plank. Some of the youth crew have called me out and dressed me down for what could easily be a flashback to the old Rolling Stone ad campaign titled “Perception vs Reality.” And they have a point. In an era of virtual stages, I have failed to fully close … [Read more...]

Project Raceway? “ShopGirls” Create Their Own Eco-Marathon Reality

Update Apr. 7, 2015 Now this is what I'm talking about! Our hometown entrepreneurial hub for startups, Draper University is 'going Hollywood' next week as ABC begins filming a new 'reality TV' series called "Startup U" to capture the challenging environs of Silicon Valley dreamers and doers out to achieve their concept to completion ideation. Now..."What If" this series were to … [Read more...]