Tips From the Trenches: Re-Imagining Youth Activism, SPARK Change!

October 18, 2010 Ancient Chinese proverb: “The best soldiers are not warlike.” Welcome to youth activism 21st century style. (pithy "model waiver" for American Apparel street theater protest at left) Huge on the fun factor, wry wit and massive outreach potential, (deploying via social media in nanoseconds) today's youth are organizing via flash mob, street theater, viral … [Read more...]

Commodification of Kids: The Backlash Has Begun

April 16, 2010 About a year ago, TruthOut featured a poignant article called "Commodifying Kids, The Forgotten Crisis" by academic Henry A. Giroux, and though I read it with lots of head bobbing agreement on the tipping point of toxicity, I have to strongly DISagree with the "forgotten" notion. This issue is not the LEAST bit's on fire, baby and it's gaining … [Read more...]