Standby: Real Life Has Usurped My Digital World

Jan. 26, 2009: I’m feeling very “First lady-ish” right now, since Michelle Obama recently described herself as "first and foremost . . . Malia and Sasha's mom." Likewise, Shaping Youth begins at home, and I’d be full of hooey if I didn’t believe my digital persona should take a backseat to my real life responsibilities both personally and professionally. Once upon a time, … [Read more...]

Kidney Stones In Kindergarten? Put Down the Sports Drink, Kiddo!

Today’s New York Times reports "A Rise in Kidney Stones Seen in U.S. Children," naming high sodium intake of processed foods as one of the culprits, sending wee ones into urology clinics (no pun intended). Ever since the multimillion dollar marketing blitz sanctifying sports drinks as a 'better for you' beverage I've watched kids chug down those colossal sized jugs of neon … [Read more...]

This Vacation is Brought to You By…(Part 2: Branding Partnerships)

Cruise news, trip tips, kids' brand loyalty pitches at cheerleading camps, sports and spa getaways... Who's sponsoring your 'fun?' Are you aware? Cruise lines are wisely using their own social networking connection as a conduit for repeat business and new referrals, so passengers can share their own experiences with others...Meanwhile, Carnival Cruise line just partnered … [Read more...]