Can Digital Kids Click With Nature, Wildlife?

Aug. 25, 2016 Update Celebrate 100 Years of our National Parks with FREE admission today! In honor of this centennial milestone, a quick roundup of children's media designed specifically to get kids OUTSIDE to play outdoors in nature and learn eco-literacy lessons for life. Which media would you add that boosts kids knowledge and curiosity about the environment, wildlife … [Read more...]

Back to School With A Healthy, Green Spin On The Freshman 15

Aug. 19, 2013 Turning negative media messages into positive, purposeful pursuits is what Shaping Youth is all about, so the newly launched "Freshman Green 15" project from Teens Turning fits smack dab into our sweet spot.I’ve long been a fan of their smart marketing, and have attended their Green University to see the winners from their annual Project Green Challenge … [Read more...]

Will Kids Reconnect With Nature…At School?

Aug. 7, 2013 “Wait, didn’t we already DO this?”That’s the refrain I hear constantly among parents, whether it’s supporting environmental education legislation, or getting junk food out of vending machines and school lunch programs.When research shows the benefits and links between nature, learning, health and wellness are clear, it makes me wonder, what will we need to prove … [Read more...]

The Nature Principle: Experience the Earth Beyond Instagram

April 22, 2015 Update Recycling my resource roundup of eco-literacy quizzes on greenwashing, nature apps in a wired world, and games for good like TiltWorld that build on green media themes of kids' exploration and discovery (like TumbleLeaf to get kids outside) in order to add a very LOUD shout out to this poignant Richard Louv post about Hybrid Minds: (premise: The more high … [Read more...]

Tilt World’s Nicole Lazzaro (Interview) Putting Emotion Into Game Play

Sept. 2, 2016 Update Adding a few recent finds along these lines of 'putting emotion into game play' like "Shelter, Paws" and other empathy based critter care games to edge towards seeding compassion for all creatures great and small caring for wolf pups and badger babies, instead of fantasy Pokemon Go creations. Also, here's a recently funded Kickstarter called Junior … [Read more...]