Mindless Eating Goes Mobile: HealthGamers Unite!

Feb. 18, 2015 Interesting pairing of mindful eating with the ongoing distracted driving problems which I've written about often regarding what works to drive behavior change...in this MD's new wellness post connecting the dots with both! Sept. 30, 2009 Iā€™m gearing up for theHealth2.0 conference to see what cool gizmos, mobile apps and media uses entrepreneurs have come up with … [Read more...]

Games For Health Regional Summit: Playnormous, Humana & More

Are these critters cute, or what? They're the lil' monsters from our friends at  Playnormous, who shared news of a one day event called the Games for Health Regional Summit coming up December 4, 2008 in Houston, Texas. The event offers a great opportunity to get an introduction to the games for health field. You can meet some of the Playnormous allies and their core … [Read more...]