Nov. 7, 2014 Election Outcome: Historic passage and precedent of Berkeley vote on soda tax; synopsis article via SF Gate on why Berkeley passed a soda tax and SF didn't. Oct. 8, 2014 Update: NYTimes' Mark Bittman and Mother Jones both weigh in on the politics of the soda tax, which has vaulted to $9.1 million "Big Soda" (ABA) spending combined to try to crush the measure in SF … [Read more...]
Hawking Hydration Low: Gatorade Tells Kids To Avoid Water
January 10, 2014 by 2 Comments
Aug. 20, 2015 Update: Now Gatorade's G-Force is forcing their bottled neon into schools under the guise of 'hydration education?' Seriously? Paging media watchdogs! Crickets. Jan. 10, 2014 I’ve written a lot about the heavy marketing of sugary/salty sports drinks over water for hydration, and this post about “kidney stones in kindergarten” serves as a public health reminder … [Read more...]