Oct. 23, 2012 As we wind down October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with a four-week series by USA Today amidst controversies of “Not so Pretty in Pink” moments from survivors who are fatigued by pinkification, I wanted to end the month on a positive note that speaks to an upcoming film releasing in 2013 with an all-star cast, that weaves a breast cancer storyline … [Read more...]
Powerhouse Women in Film: Seidelman Courts An All-Star Cast
Olympic Body Image: Talking Points To Get it Right, Fit vs Fiction
Aug. 9, 2016 Rio! This post still applies tenfold in terms of word watching and body image critiques of Olympic athletes! Media Smarts has added some parenting talking tips for boys/girls too! Meanwhile, here are more relevant Rio updates on athletes and body image for 2016: TeenVogue: US Olympic Swimmers Open Up About Body Image & Eating Disorders Fast Co: When … [Read more...]
The Supermodels, Then and Now + A Chat With Janet Lansbury
Feb. 1, 2012 “25% of young women 18-34 would rather win America’s Next Top Model than the Nobel Peace Prize..." ..."And 23% would rather lose their ability to read than their figures” opens Lisa Bloom’s THINK: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World... I’ll be interviewing author Lisa Bloom of THINK later this month asking her about 'the other … [Read more...]
KFC’s “Assvertising”–A Double Down of Unhealthy Cues
September 22, 2010 Would you like a sideorder of sexualization with that heart attack? If the excess sodium from KFC’s Double Down innuendo-laden sat fat monstrosity doesn’t raise your risk factor for high blood pressure, ergo cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke, then the college co-eds selling their buns for the bunless will surely jolt and … [Read more...]
Girl World Tour Meets Tween Town Hall to Speak Up & Share: Mar 13
March 5, 2010 What's on the minds of tween girls' today? We're about to find out next Saturday at the Tween Girl Town Hall as 150 girls age 8-14 clamor for FREE swag bags and freebie finds from sponsors eager to hear their points of view. Hosted by marketing consultancy and tween social networking site AllyKatzz.com, creator of the inaugural Tween Summit (photo gallery … [Read more...]