Dec. 6, 2009 Samuel Johnson once said, “Our aspirations are our possibilities.” I love the limitless empowerment in the short phrase, so when I heard there was going to be a new online DIY craft show called ‘The Possibility Shop’ with Jim Henson’s name attached, I thought perhaps there would be a “possibility” that media would be used to create a sort of eco-Etsy style … [Read more...]
Is There a Possibility the FCC Hasn’t Seen The Irony Here?
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Product Placement, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: blurring the lines, branded entertainment, brands, CCFC, children, Cinderella, Clorox, Courtney Watkins, digital crafts show, digital-ads, Disney, DIY, eco, embedded ads, equality, ethics, Etsy, FCC, Feministing, FTC, Gender Portrayal, Gender Roles, girl guide, girls-self-worth, Jim Henson, Kids-Advertising, kids-advertising-regulations, maker faire, Makezine, Media-Influence-Kids, Muppets, O'Reilly media, online crafts, Pink Think, Possibility, Product Placement, Sara-Grimes, Sara-M.-Grimes, spring cleaning, The Possibility Shop, toxic cues to kids, webisode
Do Older Kids Outgrow Easter Egg Hunts and Dyeing Eggs?

April 12, 2009 Passover, Easter and religious convos aside, let’s just say EVERY generation seems to love spring fun and festivity. My parents hosted a pack of 85 year olds in an impromptu ‘just do it’ session awhile back and you’d think those ‘kids’ were 8 and 5 not eighty-five. In my house today, the Easter bunny got a bit creative with the teen scene, to hide her basket … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Bella Sara, Chris Carvalho, digital allowance, dyeing eggs, earning, Easter, Easter baskets, Easter egg hunts, Elf-Island, incentives, Kids, learning, motivators, neuro theory, Passover, positive media, praise, rewards, SmartyCard, Spring, spring cleaning, teens, youth, Zookazoo