Will SF Ban on Juul E-Cigs Stop Youth Vaping? Ask Them.

July 20, 2019 Health advocate colleagues are confused as to why I’m not wildly applauding the SF ban on e-cigs, given my staunch stance against Juul and other flavored "vaping gone viral" profiteers that have targeted and hooked youth via high doses of nicotine...especially after co-viewing this week's CNBC special Vaporized with youth. To explain… Behavioral psychologists in … [Read more...]

Juul’s Bait and Switch Demographics Blitz TV With Goodwashing

May 27, 2019 Hey young people, gather round…You might want to tell your parents they’re being played by the current TV ad blitz of goodwashing by vaping giant Juul claiming to be all about smoking cessation when YOU were the ‘hard target’ from the very start. When I first heard about Juul years ago, I'd hoped their intent and target market was very similar to the exact campaign … [Read more...]