Two Angry Moms Bring A Fresh Approach To Shaping Youth 9-21!

Filmmaker Amy Kalafa will be with us in October in person instead of September! Haven’t lost my ad agency headline-writing ability to cram all the vital sponsorship info into a log line, but HAVE lost my ability to triple-check dates, as Amy Kalafa's schedule is equally zany as mine, and she's now flying in NEXT month to join us, so our 9-21 speaker is TBD. THIS … [Read more...]

Facelifts for Kiddie Characters: Rebranding ’80s Icons?

Last week’s New York Times article on 21st century ‘facelifts’ for kiddie characters gave me the willies on a variety of fronts, despite the fact that I’ve personally ‘freshened’ many a brand in my time. From Peanuts to Barbie, I 'get' that mega-brands need to stay au courant... I’ve admittedly had a hard time tapping into specific analysis of what’s irking me most about … [Read more...]