August 20, 2015 Update: More Back to School branding boondoggles...Remember when the G-force Gatorade tribe was caught red-handed with their marketing machinations of hawking sugar hydration to students over regular water? Well, they're at it again, this time sneaking their sports drinks message into schools as 'hydration education' which is perhaps one of the biggest shilling … [Read more...]
Back to School: Using Branding as a Media Literacy Lesson
The Tooth Fairy Is Not A Brand. Parents…Arise!
Aug. 6, 2013 Update! Honored to be accurately quoted in this pithy parenting prose by Heidi Stevens in The Chicago Tribune's thrilled to see all the parenting pushback on Twitter that CCFC put together in this 'Storify' synopsis! (New York Times also covered CCFC's efforts here) Keep at it, our traditions and narratives from marketing greed!July 22, 2013 It’s … [Read more...]
Ground Hog Day: Super Bowl Sexism Keeps Popping Up
Feb 2, 2013 It's Ground Hog Day and as reliable as Punxsutawney Phil, parents and pundits await to see what shadows will be cast on kids from the Super Bowl media hype blaring at surround sound decibel levels, even among those not remotely interested in 'the big game.' KJ Dell'Antonia, lead author of the NYTimes parenting blog the Motherlode does some hilarious pop culture … [Read more...]
Media Messages and Binge Drinking Influence On Teens
Dec. 31, 2012 Prequel to New Year's Eve... Long gone are the days when I could host a “New Year's at Noon Bubble Wrap Stomp” and watch little kids gleefully squirt silly string at each other in rowdy ‘make as much noise as you can” festivity for a honking good time... Those with older teens like myself are looking for healthier choices for teen New Year plans and maybe … [Read more...]
CCFC: A Positive Pick, Even When Calling Out Negative TOADY Toys
Dec. 4, 2012 No question I continue to land hard on watchdogs that aren’t woofin’ when it comes to media and marketing’s impact on kids, but nobody does it better than Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) with a solid lip curl and warning snarl before tearing the pants off of those without a corporate conscience focused on profiteering over public health…...So … [Read more...]