“Consuming Kids” Is Now Available For YOU To Host A Screening!

April 24, 2009 Back to our green media focus in a minute, since we're all trying to figure out whether somethin' can be done about all this consumption? But first, here's some fabulous news for change agents out there. Just in time for our Consuming Kids screening and powerhouse panel tonight in Berkeley, (and again  Sun. 4-26 in San Jose and Tues. 4-28 in Palo Alto) MEF , … [Read more...]

Do Older Kids Outgrow Easter Egg Hunts and Dyeing Eggs?

April 12, 2009 Passover, Easter and religious convos aside, let’s just say EVERY generation seems to love spring fun and festivity. My parents hosted a pack of 85 year olds in an impromptu ‘just do it’ session awhile back and you’d think those ‘kids’ were 8 and 5 not eighty-five. In my house today, the Easter bunny got a bit creative with the teen scene, to hide her basket … [Read more...]

Counterstrike: MEF Film “The Price of Pleasure” Screens For Free

April 9, 2009 Even though K-12 youth is Shaping Youth's primary focus, this campus controversy caught my eye for the overlap with our own counter-marketing tactics. In a ‘fight fire with fire’ media literacy move straight out of the Shaping Youth playbook, the Media Education Foundation is responding to this week’s University of Maryland campus uproar of whether or not free … [Read more...]

The Oprah Factor: Stop the Yo-Yo Dieting Messages

April 8, 2009 Young women and their moms have been "under the influence" of Oprah longer than you can say “she’s gotta have it.” From cuddly bathrobes to kids' book club picks, when the grand dame of daytime speaks, people listen. Precisely the point that Director Darryl Roberts of America the Beautiful is making in his recent “open letter to Oprah” plea to curb the weight … [Read more...]

What’s With 8th Grade Proms & Glamorama Tween Diva-ization?

April 3, 2009 “Myths & Realities of Eighth Grade Graduation/Dance: Students may wear something nicer than normal school clothes. However, we strongly discourage formal dresses and tuxedos.” Well, it’s too late for April Fool’s, so I’m guessing this very surreal statement is indicative of the point being made in Newsweek’s recent article, “Are we turning our tweens into … [Read more...]