Recap of White House Conf on Bullying Prevention, Pt.1

Mar. 17, 2011 Unplugging for a day is a respite, but being gone for a week amidst news of tsunami disasters and first ever media moments like the March 10 White House Conference on Bullying Prevention plunged me into perpetual ‘catch up’ mode…Toss in this week’s March 16 FTC Privacy Hearings on Do Not Track policies and datamining behavioral profiles (see key quotes from … [Read more...]

Digital Detox: Checkin Out For A Shaping Youth Founder’s Retreat

Mar. 6, 2014 This year the sundown to sundown National Day of Unplugging is Friday March 7, 2014 through Sat. Mar. 8. Join me? For more digital detox beyond media management and awareness raising, (which is a regular ritual for me) please check out the upcoming Screen Free Week challenge May 5-11, 2014. Definitely "not for beginners"...but always very worthwhile.More posts on … [Read more...]

Power of Play Pt3: Active Video Games In Schools?

Feb. 15, 2011 “What if…?” Those two words have ignited innovation for centuries, so what better way to harness the Power Of Play than pairing health science thought leaders and industry entrepreneurs in a room of no holds barred brainstorming to get active play moving beyond the ever-important recess? In Part Three of this Power of Play series, (Part One and  Part Two here) … [Read more...]

Black Teens, Red Pumps, & SexTech 2011

Feb. 7, 2011 We interrupt this series on the Power of Play to bring you an important public service announcement on behalf of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day today. (Yep, just think of this as Superbowl Ads for nonprofits) “Black teens (ages 13–19) represent only 15% of all teenagers in the U.S. but are 68% of new AIDS cases among teens,” reports The Red Pump Project … [Read more...]

AHA & Nintendo: Tag-Teaming Innovation To Get Kids Moving (Pt2)

Feb 3, 2011 When I was invited to attend the “Power of Active Play” summit hosted by the American Heart Association and Nintendo, my synapses were firing in Howard Rheingold mode, wondering if this convening was going to be a glorified commercial for the gamification of life. I may not be wearing the same rose-colored shades of Jane McGonigal’s Wall Street Journal article … [Read more...]