YTH: Youth, Tech, Health–Shaping Youth Interviews YTH Jamia Wilson

Mar. 29, 2014 Like a teen whose spirited, edgy adolescence evolved toward bold innovation, I’ve watched "grow up" as an organization over time, expanding and emerging into one of the most exciting intergenerational collaborations surrounding youth wellness and technology. Always a favorite for inspiring fresh thinking and preventive digital health problem-solving, … [Read more...]

Hawking Hydration Low: Gatorade Tells Kids To Avoid Water

Aug. 20, 2015 Update: Now Gatorade's G-Force is forcing their bottled neon into schools under the guise of 'hydration education?' Seriously? Paging media watchdogs! Crickets. Jan. 10, 2014 I’ve written a lot about the heavy marketing of sugary/salty sports drinks over water for hydration, and this post about “kidney stones in kindergarten” serves as a public health reminder … [Read more...]

National Assoc for Media Literacy Education: Amy Jussel, Resource Roundup

July 8, 2013 Gearing up for speaking at my first ever National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) conference this coming weekend, I’m taming butterflies as I’m honored to be on a powerhouse panel with academic rockstars like Lisa Guernsey, author of Screen Time: How Electronic Media – From Baby Videos to Educational Software – Affects Your Young Child. I’m eager … [Read more...]

Fast Forward Health Film Fest Oct 30, Celebrate Food Day 2012

Oct 24, 2012 Food Day 2012! “I don’t need any finger-wagging salad munchers scolding me about junk food” ---no worries, not happening. But if you'd like to be more informed about the reason for the movement to "eat real" and celebrate Food then follow #FoodDayConf today on Twitter for great tips on label lingo, decoding kids aisle food claims, not to mention … [Read more...]

Glee Teen Sex: Facts & Opportunities Using CDC vs. Hollywood TV

Nov. 20, 2011 Truth is, Hollywood is lying about teen sex. Big time. New CDC research points to numbers that might as well frame Hollywood shows as a public health statistical version of ‘The Lying Game’ since TV consistently paints youth onto a recklessly bleak canvas of stereotyped imagery as impulsively hormonal lusty idiots …when the exact converse is true. Of those … [Read more...]