Hey Dads, Watch Your Language: Girls Are Not For Sale!

Feb. 4, 2010 Today Senator Scott Brown (R) was confirmed in the Senate... ...And I confirmed not all that much has changed from yesteryear...Especially when girls and women are reduced to chattle despite living in this 21st century supposedly "politically correct" age of conversation. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit, non-religious-based organization (our only ‘cause’ is the … [Read more...]

USC Media Student Bryn Kressin & Packaging Boyhood Book Winners!

Jan.1, 2010 Happy New Year! This joyous photo of youthful exuberance is Bryn Kressin, at left; one of our Shaping Youth winners of yesterday’s Packaging Boyhood book drawing where we pulled names from those who commented or tweeted about our weekly posts about boys, manhood and media messages impacting the males we love. The other two winners were author/educator Dr. Liz … [Read more...]

So Sexy So Soon: Shaping Youth Chats With Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D.

August 17, 2009 Last month So Sexy So Soon hit the market in paperback, though my hand-signed hardback by academic rockstars Diane Levin, Ph.D. and Jean Kilbourne Ed.D is frayed, highlighted, and worn from full use with youth and parent ed groups ever since its release last year. I broke bread with these two research pioneers at Susan Linn’s house when she hosted all of the … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Is In the L.A. Times Today, Yawn

August 12, 2009 Well, it finally happened. Full tilt desensitization. I suppressed a huge yawn and a roll of the eyes reviewing Miley’s pole dancing antics at the Teen Choice Awards with a great big ‘meh, here we go again.’ All of the replays of video and trending topics in the Twittersphere landed on me as a great big cynical 'so what' example of the mouse house … [Read more...]

Childhood Matters Radio Show: Raising Strong, Healthy Girls Today

July 19, 2009 Here are some of the brand new resources or lesser known resources I named on the air today for those seeking SOLUTIONS rather than just identifying problems to get girls strong from the start and counter-act raising girls amidst "meat marketing"so pervasive today. TrueChild.org: Washington D.C. based advocacy org focusing specifically on these gender … [Read more...]