Feb. 20, 2009 Carping about your local officials? Don’t like the decisions being made? Still a student and can’t vote yet? Here’s a little micro-level peek into what the feds are dealing with on the larger scale financial fiasco... Amanda Hickman, the Technical Director of the Gotham Gazette pinged the Games for Change list serve to update their prior version of “Balance!” … [Read more...]
Holy Budget BALANCE Batman! Open Source Gotham Game
Kids’ Health 2.0: Get Your Head in the Game
Unbeknownst to me, today is Child Health Day, evidently the 80th annual occasion? (another one of those ‘must’ve slipped by me’ arcane calendar days) Evidently Calvin Coolidge came up with this gig way back in 1928, complete with proclamation and pledges toward healthy eating and activity and the future of our nation...but let's face it, we all know … [Read more...]
150 Kids’ Virtual Worlds: 95 Live, 68 in R&D; How Many Are Worthy?
Seems everyone is in L.A. for the Virtual Worlds Expo except me right now, with e-mails and schmooze plans flinging back and forth like a gamer leader board. No, gang, I can’t make it to dinner, but yes, I DO wish someone would crosspost some of these fly-on-the-wall conversations on Utterz as I’m sure key connections will transpire and I want to track anyone … [Read more...]
Kids’ Gaming Ethics and Immersive Virtual Worlds (Part 2)
Are "cheat codes" a symbol of impatient multi-taskers incapable of working through frustration that need to leap frog over the hard part of life? Or a conduit to open new challenges at higher levels of engagement at a self-motivating pace? With fuzzy ethics, blurred boundaries and zig-zags aplenty in immersive gaming environs, I'd say "cheats" is a loaded term in and of … [Read more...]