How Can We Use Media To Gift Without Buying?

Update: Dec. 12, 2018 Open Call...for any and all ideas to give the gift of TIME to teachers, elders, family and friends and reduce consumption/increase heartfelt meaning in the process! Hit me up with your favorite finds and well-received, positive picks?  Dec. 16, 2015 Update For those who appreciated the post "Toy Joy vs Consumption Junction, or one of the original posts … [Read more...]

Best Childrens’ TV You’ve Never Seen: Ameba TV

Dec. 2, 2011 Heard of  Ameba TV yet? For world-weary parents of kids aged 2-12 who'd like to allow media in moderation but are sick of monitoring cruddy channels of influence being served up by 'big media' monetization and merchandising models 24/7, Ameba TV's multi-platform subscriber service is an exhale and a welcome gift. (for about the cost of a flippin' Frappuccino … [Read more...]

It’s Veteran’s Day: If I Have To Tell You One More Time…

Nov. 11, 2011 As schools let out for the Friday Veteran’s Day holiday, I double-dog dare you to ask each child why they get the day off and submit the answers here for a positive parenting prize... ...The helpful new book by Amy McCready, “If I Have to Tell You One More Time…” Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, author McCready is partnering with Blue Star Families, … [Read more...]

Kids Think A Blackberry Is A Device Not A Fruit? Eat Real.

 Oct 24, 2012 Food Day 2012! On Twitter, follow #FoodDayConf with great tips on label lingo, decoding kids aisle food claims. In honor of the day, I'm reprising "Food for Thought: Media to Digest for Healthier Kids" and inviting ALL to continue the conversation on Oct 30 in SF at the Fast Forward Health Film Fest chock full of Bay Area health innovation pros. I'll be there and … [Read more...]

Food Marketing to Kids: Occupy Wall Street Applies Here, Too

Oct. 16, 2011 It's Blog Action Day today which coincides with United Nations' World Food Day, so my contribution among 80 countries participating is about food policy, profiteering and public health. Follow Twitter's hashtag #BAD11for more food topics Sibling scuffles often end with a thunderous “Enough! Someone’s gonna get hurt” scolding from a parent, so maybe it’s time … [Read more...]