Amy Jussel On Kids’ Media Management and Childhood Matters

Why ‘Amy Jussel’ instead of ‘Shaping Youth’ in the headline today? Because this time it’s personal…That’s mama code for ‘don’t do as I do, do as I say’ on the media management front from my own tween experience regarding familial cellphone contracts, texting and mobile media. I was on the radio with talk show host Nurse Rona Renner (podcast to be archived here) who runs … [Read more...]

America the Beautiful Documentary: See it. Support It.

Shaping Youth’s K-5 playground documentary in development, “Body Blitz: Media, Shaping Youth” should get a big boost of media ‘umpf’ and fiscal validation with the release of the new doc, America the Beautiful opening today in L.A. (theater listings/city slate here) and next Friday in S.F., S.D., and Las Vegas! I’ll be interviewing America … [Read more...]

Kids’ Gaming Ethics and Immersive Virtual Worlds (Part 2)

Are "cheat codes" a symbol of impatient multi-taskers incapable of working through frustration that need to leap frog over the hard part of life? Or a conduit to open new challenges at higher levels of engagement at a self-motivating pace? With fuzzy ethics, blurred boundaries and zig-zags aplenty in immersive gaming environs, I'd say "cheats" is a loaded term in and of … [Read more...]

Teen Talk Equals Ticketing, Even Driving Hands-Free

Well, it’s D-day for driving, teens. Much like the KFF study on teen media multitasking, lawmakers in California, cellphone capitol of the über-wired, have decided kids are driven to distraction, so it's now officially ticket-city for teens...even if you’re using hands-free wireless. (DMV details here) Don’t ask me how the police can tell the … [Read more...]

New Moon Girl Media: Orb28 Gives Rise to Teen Voices (Part 2)

Ready to tap into the 'inner sphere' of the upcoming teen site Orb28? Continuing yesterday's post about youth media orgs like these ready to put pop culture messaging on a whole new frequency, we'll see what some of the Orb28 Girls Web Editorial Board (at left) have to say about 'what's good for girls'...(also don't miss Patti Binder's blog along these lines!) Orb28 fits … [Read more...]