ALLY Awards: Architects of Change Amidst Brands: Tween Town Hall

March 12, 2010 Today I soared through my first ever Virgin Airlines’ experience bemused by two giddy tween girls excitedly chirping to their mom about the pink and purple “mood lighting” befitting a nightclub and the free WiFi and touchscreen inflight services, as she flashed me one of those, “Where do these girls hear this stuff?” mutual-mama looks. I wanted to ask if they … [Read more...]

Girl World Tour Meets Tween Town Hall to Speak Up & Share: Mar 13

March 5, 2010 What's on the minds of tween girls' today? We're about to find out next Saturday at the Tween Girl Town Hall as 150 girls age 8-14 clamor for FREE swag bags and freebie finds from sponsors eager to hear their points of view. Hosted by marketing consultancy and tween social networking site, creator of the inaugural Tween Summit (photo gallery … [Read more...]

Olympic Life Lessons: Go For Your Personal Gold

March 2, 2010 Do you miss the Olympics already? I know I do, as it’s one of the rare times I tune in to the tube regularly to witness the spectacle, the quests, the rivalries and glitches that define drama in life’s own reality TV show...I mean, really. You can’t get more ‘central casting’ than this… ...Wholesome looking athletes, intriguing back-story baggage, triumphant … [Read more...]

CoLABoratory of Creativity: Program for the Future 2010

March 1, 2010 Once upon a time, I spent 25+ years as a creative director at virtual agency:  Copy/Concepts. Collaboration came very naturally to me, as we all divvied up our specialty areas and functioned as one global brain with seamlessness and ease. Now as a nonprofit? Not so much. The nonprofit world is new to me, with all kinds of new fiefdoms to learn, toes to step on … [Read more...]

Sexy Broccoli, Saucy 6 Year Olds & Why SexEd is a Must: SexTech Pt.3

Feb 21, 2010 Last night I snapped this lousy iPhone shot from Draeger’s deli as I scanned the takeout selections to treat myself to a quiet Sat. night feast. I did a double-take when I saw “sexy broccoli” thinking some wry night shift worker with a droll sense of humor was slipping in a “sex sells” snippet on the ol’ Bush broccoli-hating spree of yesteryear. Alas, I … [Read more...]