Virtual Reality Meets Health2.0 For Kids Wellness & Therapy

Oct. 9, 2009 Once upon a time in my former life as a creative director and copywriter, I was asked to create a compelling headline for a learning simulation  where young Stanford law students could practice on an interactive CD leading them down different paths of evidence and ‘what ifs’ rather than risk oopsie moments with humans. This was long before the days of snazzy … [Read more...]

Health2.0: Hunting Cryptic Cryptids in Cryptozoo!

Oct. 8, 2009 As we observe October as health month in multiple media iterations of kids' mental and physical well-being, it's fitting that I've been away covering the excitement at Health2.0 this week. What's it all about? To me, the Health2.0 conference is ideally a place where innovation technology collides with human needs in ambitious acceleration of fast-track … [Read more...]

What I Learned From Maya Angelou’s Mark Twain Media Moment

May 28, 2014 Update Sadly, this time it is true. Dr. Maya Angelou has died at age 86. Original Post: Oct. 4 2009 "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" is a Mark Twain classic, which this Google research feed shows gets its own share of media morphs and revisions to suit the occasion. The hodgepodge of misinformation on that quote alone exemplifies and keenly … [Read more...]

Our Body Image Pro, Dr. Robyn Silverman on The Tyra Show Oct. 5!

October 2, 2009 Many of you know the irony that I’m ‘press phobic’ and camera shy despite a journalism and ad/media background plus a Communications degree, so it always amazes me when people LIKE the spotlight and seamlessly handle themselves with aplomb regardless of the topic or the venue. That would be our own dear Dr. Robyn. Shaping Youth’s body image pro Dr. Robyn … [Read more...]

October: Marketing Month For Mind-Body Health

Oct. 1, 2009 As a compelling touchpoint for Health Literacy month, which includes  October’s Domestic Violence Awareness programs, RespectRx reminds, "15.5 million children in the United States live in families in which partner violence occurred at least once in the past year. And 1 in 5 teens who have been in a serious relationship report being hit, slapped or pushed by a … [Read more...]