Sept. 21, 2013 Tired of the $2 billion/year endless barrage of hard sell food advertising hawking toxic crud to children to turn them into life long consumers? You’re about to get some ammo in the media battle for kids’ hearts and minds… On September 25, 2013, the online premiere of the 6-minute bite sized short animated film Food promises to expose how “Big … [Read more...]
Fed Up With Food Marketing to Kids? Nosh On Food MythBusters Film
KFC’s “Assvertising”–A Double Down of Unhealthy Cues
September 22, 2010 Would you like a sideorder of sexualization with that heart attack? If the excess sodium from KFC’s Double Down innuendo-laden sat fat monstrosity doesn’t raise your risk factor for high blood pressure, ergo cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke, then the college co-eds selling their buns for the bunless will surely jolt and … [Read more...]
Harvesting Kids’ Eyeballs; Free Mobile For Ad Views: Blyk!
“What do young people want in mobile? Text. Voice. Alarm clock,” Antti à–hrling, the co-founder of Blyk, mused… What else? Free. And man, do kids want free... Blyk, (pronounced 'blick', YouTube video here) offers 217 texts and 43 minutes free to 16-24 year olds in Europe...The quid pro quo trade-off of minutes for marketing? Try a 29% … [Read more...]