Aug. 20, 2015 Update: Now Gatorade's G-Force is forcing their bottled neon into schools under the guise of 'hydration education?' Seriously? Paging media watchdogs! Crickets. Jan. 10, 2014 I’ve written a lot about the heavy marketing of sugary/salty sports drinks over water for hydration, and this post about “kidney stones in kindergarten” serves as a public health reminder … [Read more...]
Hawking Hydration Low: Gatorade Tells Kids To Avoid Water
Blizzard’s Snow Job: Security About As Tight As Parental Controls
Nov. 14, 2012 Call it karma, payback, or just ‘got caught,’ the class action lawsuit against Blizzard Entertainment (makers of mega-hits like Diablo, World of Warcraft, Starcraft etc) is really about gamers tired of being played.Anyone who thinks youth and gamers “don’t care” about privacy and security might want to watch closely as this media mess unfolds, because it’s an … [Read more...]
COPPA: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Filing
July 1, 2010 For those mumbling, "COPPA schmoppa, there goes Amy into policy wonk land, please translate media jargon into usable tidbits" I'll offer a few primers... What is COPPA? Why do we need it? (see for an interactive show-n-tell which all ages can grok for an 'aha' moment on food and beverage marketing targeting kids in the digital age) Who are … [Read more...]
CyberSafety Online: Tips From The Inside Out Via eModeration (Part 2)
Nov. 26, 2009 Who’s minding the kids online? What’s ‘moderation’ got to do with it? It doesn’t take a retro flashback to know that “Kids say the darndest things,” but who is there to help them online when they do? In part one, we summed media literacy’s vital role in online safety to create global citizens from the get go, and in part two today, we’re diving a bit deeper … [Read more...]
Iger the Ignorant? Disney Chief Says Kids Don’t Care About Privacy?
July 24, 2009 Hey, kids, did you know the mouse house thinks it’s okay to mine your personal information and sell it to advertisers to make a buck off your back without your permission? Wonder what Maine legislators that just banned data mining of minors will say to that? (h/t to Ypulse and Privo!) Reuters reports Disney CEO Robert Iger is bullish on direct web … [Read more...]