PDiddy-Puff Daddy-Diddy dude step aside, as THIS is the kind of D.I.D.I. initiative that I want to see out there!!! D.I.D.I. stands for Dream It. Do It…An Ashoka Youth Venture effort with Global Kids and funding by RWJF all teaming up to offer seed money to visionary young people anxious to bring positive change to the health of their community! Nothing 'virtual' … [Read more...]
Dream It. Do It. Youth Grants For Social Change in Virtual Worlds
Blog Action Day: Overcoming Poverty With Global Water
It’s been a hairy day of stressful mayhem, as I slid in my socks on the linoleum floor of digital deadlines to file my grant app for the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media Learning Competition with literally about 2 minutes to spare. Between technical glitches and last minute shifts in recommendation letters I found myself in that intense phase of heart palpitating … [Read more...]
150 Kids’ Virtual Worlds: 95 Live, 68 in R&D; How Many Are Worthy?
Seems everyone is in L.A. for the Virtual Worlds Expo except me right now, with e-mails and schmooze plans flinging back and forth like a gamer leader board. No, gang, I can’t make it to dinner, but yes, I DO wish someone would crosspost some of these fly-on-the-wall conversations on Utterz as I’m sure key connections will transpire and I want to track anyone … [Read more...]