Nov. 12, 2009 Long before the vampires and sparkling sagas of Twilight’s New Moon, New Moon Magazine delighted girls as a ‘go to guide’ for navigating adolescence and being themselves. After 16 years of print, New Moon Girls’ expanded online to add a richness and color to the digital dialog, creating an entire community of shared art, hopes, dreams and inspiration…launched … [Read more...]
Save New Moon Girls: Help Us, Help Them!
Shaping Youth Joins New Moon Girls Media As Affiliate Partner

Nov. 5, 2009 New Moon Girl Media had a massive makeover last year giving girls 8 and up a vibrant, social, supportive space to express themselves without being bombarded by pop up ads for diets, hoochie mama fashions and (pre)teen profiteering… I wrote about it extensively here and here and here (the latter being my favorite one, interviewing the girls themselves!) so let's … [Read more...]
Reporting From the First Ever Tween Summit: Debra Moffitt for S.Y.

Oct. 14, 2009 This past weekend, Denise Restauri and the AllyKatzz team launched the first ever National Tween Summit to see what's on the minds of preteen girls. I haven't figured out how to be two places at once yet, so I tapped editor, journalist and author Debra Moffitt who knows a LOT about "tweens" having recently written the book "The Pink Locker … [Read more...]
Childhood Matters Radio Show: Raising Strong, Healthy Girls Today

July 19, 2009 Here are some of the brand new resources or lesser known resources I named on the air today for those seeking SOLUTIONS rather than just identifying problems to get girls strong from the start and counter-act raising girls amidst "meat marketing"so pervasive today. Washington D.C. based advocacy org focusing specifically on these gender … [Read more...]
Brain Cake: Teen Girls Talk Tech & World Changing (Part Two)

Update Oct. 22, 2015 Reminder: BrainCake shifted to in 2011 with heavy hitting sponsorship as a project of Carnegie Science Center. CanTeen has some fun STEM career explorations, complete with games and DIY challenges to encourage science exploration, from invisible ink to OOBlek... Join @BrightGirlsCo @YellowScopeGirl @IamElemental Oct. 22, 2015 in a Twitter … [Read more...]