Media Messages and Binge Drinking Influence On Teens

Dec. 31, 2012 Prequel to New Year's Eve... Long gone are the days when I could host a “New Year's at Noon Bubble Wrap Stomp” and watch little kids gleefully squirt silly string at each other in rowdy ‘make as much noise as you can” festivity for a honking good time... Those with older teens like myself are looking for healthier choices for teen New Year plans and maybe … [Read more...]

When We Were Free To Be: Revisiting A Classic w/Deesha Philyaw

Dec. 18, 2012 This year marks not only the 40th Anniversary of Title IX changing women’s sports forever, it’s also the 40th Anniversary of the cycle-breaking, movement-making pop culture childrens' classic Free to Be, You and Me created by one of my very first childhood ‘sheroes’ Marlo Thomas. Marlo Thomas’ Free to Be Gold record and '70s era bestseller flipped the script on … [Read more...]

Sandy Hook Shooting Silence: Floundering in Social Media Darkness

 Update June 10, 2014 (6-10-14 update: This graphic is a map of the 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook, compiled by Mark Gongloff  of, Original Sandy Hook article at the end)Just since the Washington Post  weapons and mass shootings graphics on the misogynistic mayhem at my UCSB alma mater we've already chalked up the Seattle Pacific University incident AND … [Read more...]

CCFC: A Positive Pick, Even When Calling Out Negative TOADY Toys

Dec. 4, 2012 No question I continue to land hard on watchdogs that aren’t woofin’ when it comes to media and marketing’s impact on kids, but nobody does it better than Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) with a solid lip curl and warning snarl before tearing the pants off of those without a corporate conscience focused on profiteering over public health…...So … [Read more...]

Toward The Stars: New Online Marketplace of Goods for Girls to Soar

Nov. 20, 2012 “To the moon!” was once an iconic working class phrase that 50s TV star Jackie Gleason made famous in mock-threat to his sitcom wife Alice in The Honeymooners. He'd shake his fist, “why, I oughta…kapow!” Nowadays, media like that would be rightfully trounced and denounced by domestic violence prevention and girl advocates across the board, as we instill … [Read more...]