Will 2009 Uncover Price Fixing On the Backs of Texting Teens?

I don’t know about you, but this week's NYTimes article "What Carriers Aren't Eager to Tell You About Texting" written by local SJSU professor Randall Stross has me wanting to text him an emoticon smooch for his ‘lift and reveal’ article peeling back the Wizard of Oz curtain on mobile carrier costs, profit margins and taking advantage of youth habits to … [Read more...]

Using Matching Funds Marketing Tactics: A Win-Win For Kids

Ok mathletes and marketing mavens...when does $125=$250? The economy’s in the tank, and I want every penny leveraged to the max, so it makes sense that I’d wait until the 'best year-end deal' to gift to my favorite orgs using matching funds before Jan. 1. Since I literally received an EASTER toy catalog promo the day after Christmas (ack!) I’ve decided … [Read more...]

Hey Kids: Received a Text from the Pope Yet?

It’s Christmas eve, a time to rejoice…“The Vatican is endorsing new technology that brings the book of daily prayers used by priests straight onto iPhones.” Hail Mary and Hallelujah, the outreach of new media knows no bounds. Actually, this is smarter than um, heck on the youth outreach front and lord knows our planet could use more kindness and … [Read more...]

Money Management for Kids: Chores, Allowance & Digital Nagging

Part Two of our interview with PAYjr CEO David Jones includes one of the rarely used aspects of PAYjr's chore and allowance program (only 5% evidently) where parents can set up cell phone reminders for follow-through in cyber-nag style.Mind you, critics have cried foul that this is outsourcing parenting and discipline to tech gizmos, but frankly, I’m not one of ‘em. Nope. No … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Interviews PAYjr CEO on Kids’ Prepaid Plastic

Seeing as how we’re smack dab in the “final 48 hour retail frenzy” of credit card-flinging shoppers at risk of losing every logical brain cell, my interview with PAYjr Founder/CEO David Jones (merged w/PAYjr Visa Buxx) is timely. Parents’ pockets are being picked as we speak, and it’s not always about 'taming the holiday … [Read more...]