Dec 23, 2010 I have ‘holiday head’ which means despite important breaking media news on net neutrality, the FCC, and strong outcomes of public opinion polls involving Do Not Track consumer demands, I’m unapologetically posting a viral ditty about a dog, and label literacy on NULO (NUtrition meets LOve) dog food. Why? Let’s just say I’ve been trying extremely hard to manage … [Read more...]
A Viral Awww…For Dog Lovers; Shepherding Media Literacy: NULO
A HUGE Breakthrough for TV: Nuance Trumps Vapid Vixens Aplenty
August 12, 2010 In part one and part two of my posts about ABC Family’s Huge premiere, I hoped to see the show evolve from the hope and promise of some stellar scriptwriter ‘attachments’ to actually being ‘attached.’ I’d like to say they ‘had me at hello’ but frankly they did NOT. I’m not an ABC Family ‘teen soap’ fan of the shallow sniper-fire of frenemies and sexcapade … [Read more...]
Dialing for Disorders: Let’s Move To Prevent Them By July 12!
June 29, 2010 As a kids' health advocate (inside and out) I’ve been covering the "HUGE" conversation pertaining to media’s responsibility and accountability in how the portrayal of being overweight in our appearance-obsessed culture is handled. (Huge: Part One, Part Two) Now it’s time to weigh in on the policy piece. (I'm not referring to RWJF's annual "F as in Fat" … [Read more...]
A HUGE Opportunity: Don’t Blow It ABC Family (Pt 1)
June 24, 2010 “An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.” ---Bill Bernbach Those timeless words of the venerable ad legend capture the power and potential of HUGE a new series that plops over-sized youth into a weight loss camp amidst a global obesity conversation...(premieres Mon., June 28 on ABC Family) I’m thrilled mainstream … [Read more...]
Mindless Eating Goes Mobile: HealthGamers Unite!
Feb. 18, 2015 Interesting pairing of mindful eating with the ongoing distracted driving problems which I've written about often regarding what works to drive behavior this MD's new wellness post connecting the dots with both! Sept. 30, 2009 I’m gearing up for theHealth2.0 conference to see what cool gizmos, mobile apps and media uses entrepreneurs have come up with … [Read more...]