Reading Rockets Kids Into Their Future (Pt.1: Kalimah Priforce)

Aug. 18, 2011 Virtual show of hands, please... If it’s not on the "must read" summer reading list for back to school prep, how many kids cracked a classic this season? How ‘bout a kidlit self-picked selection? An online virtual book club? An augmented reality fairytale? A graphic novel? Meaningful manga? Um, a poolside magazine, status line or text message? While some … [Read more...]

Free Books For Kids From Shaping Youth’s Virtual Garage Sale!

July 6, 2009 Back to wrap up healthGAMERS Part 3 soon, but today my teen begrudgingly started three hours of summer school---(don’t ask, don’t tell, it was her own ‘deal’ gone awry at 'College for Kids') so I took it upon myself to sort through her ‘giveaways’ of books she agreed to give up for our FREE BOOKS FOR KIDS post to encourage poolside reading, recycling, and to thank … [Read more...]

SmartyCard’s Summer Challenge With Scholastic: Heads Up for Fall!

May 28, 2009 I was just about to post an in-depth review and analysis of the merits and watch-worthy aspects of the new "learn and earn" kids' program for 3rd-6th graders,  when I received this sidewinder about their brand new alliance with Scholastic’s Summer reading challenge. I know, I know, this news is supposed to be a GOOD thing from a "halo effect" mass … [Read more...]