Nov. 3, 2009 In diving into media messages targeting boys for my weekly Tuesday Packaging Boyhood posts, my mind snap went to ‘gaming’ pronto. Is this a stereotype? Or did I just do a Malcolm Gladwell style "Blink” in rapid cognition? I flipped to the Packaging Boyhood chapter on “What Boys Do” since we know marketers are tapping a boy’s desire to be ‘powerful’ and admired … [Read more...]
Disney XD: A Case Study on Packaging Boyhood
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Product Placement, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: Aaron Stone, aggression, battle, Blink, boys, Buffed-Boys, competition, conquest, cool guy, Daedalus, danger driven, Disney, Disney XD, Five Tips for Raising Media Savvy Sons, Gamine-Expedition, gaming, gaming violence, gear, Gender, green, GTA, guys, Hannah Montana, heroes, In Search of Boys, joystick, Lyn Mikel-Brown, Malcolm Gladwell, Mark Tappan, marketing to boys, Media Commons, media-literacy, MMORPG, Nick-Yee, Packaging-Boyhood, risk takers, Sara-Grimes, Sharon Lamb, skater brands, slacker, sons, speed, sports, testosterone, Tinkerbell, top dog, Tough Guise, united nations, videogames, Virtual-Worlds, warriors, winning, World-of-Warcraft, youth
What About the Boys? ‘Packaging Boyhood’ Authors Respond

Oct. 12, 2009 Tomorrow Shaping Youth advisors and authors of Packaging Boyhood launch their sequel book to my favorite media literacy teaching tool on the 'pink think' stereotypes front, Packaging Girlhood. For years I've been asking the 'what about the boys' question in my work, because frankly, boys are getting just as hammered with negative cues about what 'real men' … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: Adonis-Complex, aggression, Amp, Amp up before you score, Axe, beer ads, BomChickawahwah, boy toys, boys, boys costumes, boys to men, Buffed-Boys, bullies, dating violence, Gender, Halloween, how to treat women, Jackson Katz, kiddie cologne, Klondike Bars, Lyn Mikel-Brown, males, man cave, manhood, Mark Tappan, masculinity, media-literacy, men, mental health, Packaging-Boyhood, Pepsi, Pepsi Amp, player, Preteen-Boys, Pussycat Dolls, sexism, sexist commercials, sexist iPhone app, Sexuality-Boys, Sharon Lamb, slacker, superhero, thug wannabes, true child, video game violence, videogames, womanizer