That’s my official FCC filing at left, (squeaked in under the deadline today, explained why later) which emphatically states kids should be OFF LIMITS to embedded ads designed to bypass the Tivo tactics of wise wee ones who blip through traditional commercials to get back to their favorite show unscathed. I've written about this a lot before, vetting thoughts about … [Read more...]
FCC: Kids Programming Is Laden With Product Placement
Kids Online UnConference: Everyone Has An Agenda, Including YOU!
November 13, 2008: Be there for the Kids Online: Balancing Fun and Safety Unconference! A few years back when I heard the geek/chic term “UnConference” I immediately thought it must be a “virtual” happening instead of a fly-in to reduce one’s carbon footprint. (shows you how I roll) Then I shrugged, “maybe it’s an … [Read more...]
Media Simulations Where Kids Cast Their Vote: Silly or Sage?
I vote sage. But you probably figured that. Sunday's Kids Pick the President Nickelodeon News special fell off my radar...even with Linda Ellerbee’s encouragement to get in the practice of voting, “because the next four years affects your future as much as any adult.” (ahem, maybe more, kidlets!) Truth is, I missed posting yesterday because kids were … [Read more...]
Kids’ Health 2.0: Get Your Head in the Game
Unbeknownst to me, today is Child Health Day, evidently the 80th annual occasion? (another one of those ‘must’ve slipped by me’ arcane calendar days) Evidently Calvin Coolidge came up with this gig way back in 1928, complete with proclamation and pledges toward healthy eating and activity and the future of our nation...but let's face it, we all know … [Read more...]
Virtual-to-Real World Play Patterns; Sims Used For Solutions?
Shaping Youth Correspondent Sara Grimes (at left) our hands-on research pro in the gaming arena and a smart as a whip academic to boot, (here's scholarly Sara at ACT Lab) has helped us ALL by distilling the findings from a new study on kids, toys and online play, which she posted on her blog Gamine Expedition. (always on our sidebar if you lose the link!) Here’s the … [Read more...]