June 12, 2019 Most of us remember the classic School House Rock, “I’m just a bill, yes I’m only a bill and I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill…” but maybe we need a new version that talks about how a bill is killed with a thousand paper cuts painfully sliced into vapid, ineffective nothingness by industry goodwashing yet still SOUNDS like a reasonable regulatory response? Such … [Read more...]
Juul Fools and Kill Bills: Deconstructing Health Legislation
Students Plea To Take Action Against Gun Violence, Adults Fail Miserably
June 4, 2019 As “wear orange” events pop up around the nation this weekend to protest gun violence, and students march in solidarity demanding action from impotent lawmakers tethered to gun lobbyists, I can’t help but feel their pain, anguish, and stressed out psychological depletion from being placed in schools with absurdly misguided and often breathtakingly realistic … [Read more...]
Juul’s Bait and Switch Demographics Blitz TV With Goodwashing
May 27, 2019 Hey young people, gather round…You might want to tell your parents they’re being played by the current TV ad blitz of goodwashing by vaping giant Juul claiming to be all about smoking cessation when YOU were the ‘hard target’ from the very start. When I first heard about Juul years ago, I'd hoped their intent and target market was very similar to the exact campaign … [Read more...]
Ghosting and the Machines: Media Devices, Normalizing Behaviors (Part 1)
March 25, 2019 Mute. Block. Unfriend. Delete. Ghost. It’s fast, effective and final, but these one-click solutions that treat humans like devices are creating behaviors that are almost algorithmic in their ability to place value, assign patterns, and assess an ‘effort to yield’ ratio that determines whether someone rates a diss and dismiss based on level of contact and whether … [Read more...]
Youth, Vote! Step Up with Easy Digital Tools That Inform
Update, Nov. 6, 2018: VOTE today! If you need to know WHERE, put your address into GetToThePolls.com and out pops all your nearby official voting hubs! Nov. 3, 2018 Instead of reliving the rage that put me in a Looney Tunes cartoon depiction of steam coming out of my ears reading the misguided missives of PoliSci majors who have never cast a vote, or disaffected youth … [Read more...]