June 19, 2019 As an ad industry creative director I’ve spent years using applied science to flip messages in healthier directions by tapping into the same tactics that marketers use to hook their audiences early and often. (Here’s how I use marketing tactics to sell 'reluctant readers' on reading for fun, or getting kids to 'eat green' by using Shrek against junk food drek … [Read more...]
Gaming: A Battle Over Anorexia In World of Warcraft
June 7, 2014 This coming week I’m attending the colossal gaming #Gsummit in S.F., a four-figure fee fandango (won in a drawing) that I’m eagerly sweeping my slate for in order to learn from ‘the biggies’ how large scale gaming and gamification can impact behavior change, physical/mental and social-emotional environments, education, imaginative play, and even widespread public … [Read more...]
Culture Clash: STD App’s Naming Gaffe Goes Viral
July 19, 2014 Update: Mahalo and 'Ho'omaika'i 'ana (thank you and congratulations) for the corporate social responsibility exhibited by the Hula app founders and developers who have officially renamed their HIV/STD testing results app "Healthvana" as promised for a mid-July reveal! (more news here and follow up story to come) May 6, 2014 30 days later, AP NewsBreak/The … [Read more...]