May 26, 2010 When I mention social media being part of kids’ identity, parents often cringe and squinch up their faces like I’ve force fed them BeanBoozled Jelly Bellies in pickle and ‘rotten egg’ flavor. Some parents perceive social media to be one behemoth danger zone of Facebook/Formspring/Game Chat/Text-fest "words that wound"---injuring kids like drive-by hit-n-run … [Read more...]
Age of Conversation & Kids: Digital Citizens v Snark Tanks
What Does a 13-Year Old Boy Know About DATING Violence?
Feb. 2013 update: First and foremost, yesterday's US Senate/VAWA vote overwhelmingly passed reauthorization and now moves on to the House of Representatives. What IS the Violence Against Women Act, specifically? Here's a comprehensive snapshot of content and history, from the National Domestic Violence Hotline. In recapping these vast resources and Twitter handles at the … [Read more...]
Shaping Youth Honors Girls Rights Week May 3-7
May 3, 2010 In honor of Girls Rights Week, advocating for positive change in the world, I’m going to run a week long series of “all things girl” to show how media and marketing can HELP rather than hinder healthy development. What IS Girls Rights Week? Another ‘Hallmark holiday’ you ask? Not by a long shot... As one who changed radio channels four times on the way to … [Read more...]
Commodification of Kids: The Backlash Has Begun
April 16, 2010 About a year ago, TruthOut featured a poignant article called "Commodifying Kids, The Forgotten Crisis" by academic Henry A. Giroux, and though I read it with lots of head bobbing agreement on the tipping point of toxicity, I have to strongly DISagree with the "forgotten" notion. This issue is not the LEAST bit's on fire, baby and it's gaining … [Read more...]
Girl World Tour Meets Tween Town Hall to Speak Up & Share: Mar 13
March 5, 2010 What's on the minds of tween girls' today? We're about to find out next Saturday at the Tween Girl Town Hall as 150 girls age 8-14 clamor for FREE swag bags and freebie finds from sponsors eager to hear their points of view. Hosted by marketing consultancy and tween social networking site, creator of the inaugural Tween Summit (photo gallery … [Read more...]