May 28, 2009 I was just about to post an in-depth review and analysis of the merits and watch-worthy aspects of the new "learn and earn" kids' program for 3rd-6th graders, when I received this sidewinder about their brand new alliance with Scholastic’s Summer reading challenge. I know, I know, this news is supposed to be a GOOD thing from a "halo effect" mass … [Read more...]
Kids’ Gaming Ethics and Immersive Virtual Worlds (Part 2)
July 25, 2008 by 19 Comments
Are "cheat codes" a symbol of impatient multi-taskers incapable of working through frustration that need to leap frog over the hard part of life? Or a conduit to open new challenges at higher levels of engagement at a self-motivating pace? With fuzzy ethics, blurred boundaries and zig-zags aplenty in immersive gaming environs, I'd say "cheats" is a loaded term in and of … [Read more...]