Grab-n-Go Squeezable Pouch Foods: Ease or Eww?

Oct. 16, 2015 Update: Heads up on the voluntary recall of GoGoSqueez pouches with these summer 2016 pull dates, which have had mold discovered in them. I first found the mold in our own stash in the garage when my volleyball crew gave me a wince-worthy 'eww' but I couldn't find any damage to the packaging and it seemed random, since I tried one myself, so I hadn't tossed … [Read more...]

Reach & Teach: Global Goods That Do Good

May 23, 2011 "Where do you GET these things? How come I never find stuff like this?" Picture a coloring book page with Rapunzel's hair cascading down the castle tower, captioned, “This time, she had some power tools, a pair of scissors, a roll of duct tape, a Tina Turner album and a bus pass.” That's from Jacinta Bunnell's Girls Are Not Chicks coloring book one of my … [Read more...]

CCFC Puts Energy Into Cleaning Up School Commercialism

May 16, 2011 Continuing our ‘positive picks’ series on media and marketing that matters, a gigantic ‘Howard Beale’ style shout from the windows “w00t!” to champions of change at CCFC, Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood who snuffed out the filthy coal curriculum pushed into schools via Scholastic after just 48 hours of harnessing the power of their CCFC aligned … [Read more...]

Positive Picks In Media & Marketing: Pigtail Pals, Redefining Girly

May 5, 2011 To prevent founder flameout and “battle fatigue” in the fight to win the hearts and mindshare of our children, I’ve decided to devote May to “spring forward” with media and marketing examples of companies, orgs, and projects who are POSITIVE influences and  “doing it right.” Shaping Youth is shining the spotlight on indie entities we WISH would get more play … [Read more...]

Lessons From Youth On Screen Free Week: Perception Vs. Reality

Apr. 20, 2011 Screen Free Week April 18-24 If I’m "Captain of this Ship," then there’s been a mutiny and I’m walking the plank. Some of the youth crew have called me out and dressed me down for what could easily be a flashback to the old Rolling Stone ad campaign titled “Perception vs Reality.” And they have a point. In an era of virtual stages, I have failed to fully close … [Read more...]