Media Netiquette + Some Great Nature Apps In A Totally Wired World

July 26, 2015 Update: Adding Washington Parent's list: Nature Apps, Life Beyond the Screen and's iPhone app specific picks for enjoying the outdoors, plus Mother Nature Network's "7 Apps to Help You Get the Most Out of Nature" to Shaping Youth's links and positive picks below. Have more favorites? Lob them into the comments section, please! Nov. 8, 2014 Update How … [Read more...]

A Mighty Girl: Healthier Media Messaging, One Click Convenience

April 11, 2013 Update: Check out A Mighty Girl pics for Environmental Books and movies for green kidlit and Earth Day 2013!  Dec. 10, 2012 What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature “Hey!” and some REAL Christmas cheer! A Mighty Girl  holiday story: I’ve written about rampant sexualization and gendered absurdity narrowing choices in the toy aisle many times … [Read more...]

CCFC: A Positive Pick, Even When Calling Out Negative TOADY Toys

Dec. 4, 2012 No question I continue to land hard on watchdogs that aren’t woofin’ when it comes to media and marketing’s impact on kids, but nobody does it better than Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) with a solid lip curl and warning snarl before tearing the pants off of those without a corporate conscience focused on profiteering over public health…...So … [Read more...]

Year Round Media That Matters: Positive Picks for Kids

Nov. 26, 2012 With all the coinage and consumption swirling around Black Friday and Cyber Monday for people hunting “deals” I think it’s fitting to honor the organizations that deliver positive media and transformative vision to kids’ lives year-round. It stays with them long after the holiday hoopla and instills the notion that we all have choices in how we want to walk … [Read more...]

Fast Forward Health Film Fest Oct 30, Celebrate Food Day 2012

Oct 24, 2012 Food Day 2012! “I don’t need any finger-wagging salad munchers scolding me about junk food” ---no worries, not happening. But if you'd like to be more informed about the reason for the movement to "eat real" and celebrate Food then follow #FoodDayConf today on Twitter for great tips on label lingo, decoding kids aisle food claims, not to mention … [Read more...]