Food Marketing to Kids: Occupy Wall Street Applies Here, Too

Oct. 16, 2011 It's Blog Action Day today which coincides with United Nations' World Food Day, so my contribution among 80 countries participating is about food policy, profiteering and public health. Follow Twitter's hashtag #BAD11for more food topics Sibling scuffles often end with a thunderous “Enough! Someone’s gonna get hurt” scolding from a parent, so maybe it’s time … [Read more...]

American Teacher Film Premiere: Review, Media Roundup

Oct. 11, 2011 American Teacher premiered in San Francisco this week, and I found myself pre-qualifying industry colleagues to see who had a macro lens to cover the screening in my absence, with questions like: “Have you seen other ed policy films like The Cartel movie about corruption and misuse of funds in public education? Or Race to Nowhere about the testing frenzy and … [Read more...]

Love Is Respect: Teen Texting Tools Aim To Dial Down Dating Abuse

Feb. 2, 2015 Update February marks the beginning of "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month" and given the powerful PSA from "No More" on domestic violence in the Super Bowl yesterday that I wrote about extensively, I thought I'd add my own 'PSA reminder' that roots to unhealthy relationships can seed themselves early on, and diff forms of abuse definitely happen to TEENS.Please … [Read more...]

The Bro Code: Media, Masculinity & Misogynistic Misfires

Update Sept 3, 2015 From the maker of The Bro Code and Generation M, Thomas Keith announces his newest film trailer via Media Education Foundation titled, "The Empathy Gap: Masculinity and the Courage to Change." Looks like MEF now has streaming options for screening too...Would love to see this topic get some traction. Sept. 29, 2011 Last night, watching a tender adolescent … [Read more...]

Storytelling Via Stickers: Girl-Caught Aims To Dial Down Disrespect

Sept. 22, 2011, Celebrating "Day of the Girl" Brands and broadcasters are always talking about “authentic engagement” and they’re about to get some. It all starts today, with New Moon Girls’ launch of Girl-Caught---an action, a site, and a sticker campaign that lets GIRLS literally adhere and stick to THEIR idea of what their image should be in media messaging... As we … [Read more...]