Rachel Simmons Chats About Mythbusting “Mean Girl” Media

Aug. 31 2011 Transitioning back to school is tough, especially when media and marketing blitzes the ‘what could be’ fear dynamics of peer acceptance based on what you wear, how you look, and who you sit with at lunch. (Target's music teacher  ad/video sums in satire well, "if your kids want to sound cool, they need to look cool") Now toss in the social media promises and … [Read more...]

The LAMP Shines Light on Media Literacy: NAMLE Recap

Aug. 5, 2011 In internet time, the couple of weeks that have passed since NAMLE  (the Nat'l Assoc of Media Literacy Educators' conference) may SEEM like a virtual eternity or 'old news' as digital educators scurry about to start up a NEW school year having picked from an infovore smorgasbord of critical thinking workshops... ...But that's part of the problem in our quick … [Read more...]

Redefining Beauty, Reclaiming Yourself: Backtalking Billboards!

July 29, 2011 Do you feel the rumble of the “I’m mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore” massive mindshifting among young women talking back to the ad industry and media machine? The “Take Back Beauty” and ‘reclaim yourself’ pushback of multiple generations of females throwing open the windows for their Howard Beale Network shoutout moment to end the nonsense of pore-less … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Is Backing The Illusionists Film About Media’s Body Blitz

Update Nov. 2, 2014 Talk about a greenlight! Excited to attend Elena's "PopUp Party" today screening her important 2015 documentary film (preview here). She'll be speaking at the 3PercentConference in S.F. tomorrow on "repicturing women" with Pam Grossman. Congrats on all, Elena!Eager to connect the dots on selling insecurity for profit and pushback on this global dynamic … [Read more...]

Girl Caught: New Moon Girls Slams Sexualization of Kids

July 7, 2011 Good news! New Moon Girls has created a prototype ‘virtual girl caught sticker’ you can slap on some of the repeat brand offenders commodifying kids to call ‘em out social media style…In essence: "GIRL CAUGHT" so we can girlcott and start to seed change. Tired of sexploitation of kids to sell swimsuits? (must read media by PigtailPals about lead visual … [Read more...]