Josh in a Box: Helpful Advice For Parents of Teens!

Oct. 21, 2009 What if I told you a few of my favorite advice slingers and youth analysis pros aren’t even parents at all? There’s Anastasia Goodstein of Ypulse speaking from the GenX pulpit (ok, her days are numbered; she’s about to go on maternity leave) and Courtney Macavinta of RespectRx...Along with wünderkind GenY entrepreneur and media machine Vanessa Van Petten, … [Read more...]

Packaging Boyhood: What About BOYS Halloween Costumes?

Oct. 25, 2016 Update: Given that media is slowly giving more coverage to the impact of body image on boys, including wee ones as young as six years old being 'fat-shamed' and toddlers even at age three, it seems sites from WebMD to health platforms are finally beginning to 'get it' that boys are being impacted with buffed boy cues and puffy superhero abs too! Choosing a … [Read more...]

Blog Action Day: Inspiring Kids As Stewards of the Planet

Oct. 15, 2009 Today is 'Blog Action Day' powered by, when over 12,000+ global writers turn their sites on one topic to reach millions of eyeballs one day to appeal to their own readership. This year the subject is 'climate change' and while I've written extensively about eco-kids, green gaming, and grassroots orgs like Cool the Earth tackling the issue, I needed … [Read more...]

Reporting From the First Ever Tween Summit: Debra Moffitt for S.Y.

Oct. 14, 2009 This past weekend, Denise Restauri and the AllyKatzz team launched the first ever National Tween Summit to see what's on the minds of preteen girls. I haven't figured out how to be two places at once yet, so I tapped editor, journalist and author Debra Moffitt who knows a LOT about "tweens" having recently written the book "The Pink Locker … [Read more...]

What About the Boys? ‘Packaging Boyhood’ Authors Respond

Oct. 12, 2009 Tomorrow Shaping Youth advisors and authors of Packaging Boyhood launch their sequel book to my favorite media literacy teaching tool on the 'pink think' stereotypes front, Packaging Girlhood. For years I've been asking the 'what about the boys' question in my work, because frankly, boys are getting just as hammered with negative cues about what 'real men' … [Read more...]