Disney’s Frozen: Critical Thinking Skills to Ice Out Personal Bias

Dec. 29, 2013 “It was soooooooo booooooooo-tiful with snowfwakes evweeewhere wiff fweeedeee (3D) gwasses!” the five-year old’s eyes lit up and widened almost as large as the animated sheroes in the film (ok, admittedly not as huge as “her eyeball is larger than her wrist” dimorphism that body image critics are charging Disney with perpetuating, but BIG nonetheless)…Her … [Read more...]

Take Back Halloween: Debunking the Mythology of Market Demand

Update Oct. 22, 2016 Check out the new 2016 Take Back Halloween Costume Contest! (deadline to enter  11-6-16) And...in case any hipster parents are mumbling "what's the harm it's 2016, lighten up, people" I'm adding this "What about the boys" reminder which is wince-worthy realizing I've been covering this topic for so long, and this  study on sexualized body image and … [Read more...]

Melanie Klein’s Body Collage Work With Teens: Proud to Be Me

Oct. 10, 2013 All this week I’ll be shining the spotlight on “inspiring minds you’ll want to know” in our “All Things Girl” series celebrating the Girl Effect  taking place worldwide this Friday, Oct. 11, at the 2nd annual U.N. International Day of the Girl, and the SureFire Girls Conference the day after, Oct. 12, 2013. With that in mind, today our profile pick turns to … [Read more...]

SureFire Girls: Life Literacy For Teens in a Power-Packed Conference

Oct. 8, 2013 As the parent of a teen graduating high school, spring was like a surreal montage of college tours, anticipation, excitement and questions swirling in my brain.Did I give her enough savvy to navigate credit/debit financial literacy, branding and budgeting? Does she have body awareness and boundaries to carve out her own comfort zone in complicated core … [Read more...]

Brave Girls Want To Put Media On A Different Frequency!

Oct. 10, 2013 Update: At the end is a newly minted press release/activities update, and this great post by Adios Barbie crams a lot into a small package involving some of the partner organization efforts as well! Oct. 7, 2013 Without a doubt, this week’s about “All Things Girl” as the 2nd annual U.N. International Day of the Girl on October 11, 2013 hosts a plethora of … [Read more...]