Free Books For Kids From Shaping Youth’s Virtual Garage Sale!

July 6, 2009 Back to wrap up healthGAMERS Part 3 soon, but today my teen begrudgingly started three hours of summer school---(don’t ask, don’t tell, it was her own ‘deal’ gone awry at 'College for Kids') so I took it upon myself to sort through her ‘giveaways’ of books she agreed to give up for our FREE BOOKS FOR KIDS post to encourage poolside reading, recycling, and to thank … [Read more...]

Building Freedom: Celebrating Independence With Kids

July 4, 2015 Update: Adding this "Made in the USA" label lingo literacy from Consumer Reports to remind us all of our increasingly interdependent global culture and fascinating glimpse of whether the flag-waving zeal and patriotic pride merits a "made elsewhere" second glance. Here's to a peaceful celebration of independence, and thankfulness for the freedoms we all too often … [Read more...]

Starbucks Filters In Feedback For Healthier Choices

July 2, 2009 Back to part three in our series on healthGAMERS in a jiff…but first, a quick coffee break, with some health news you can use. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Starbucks' ubiquitous media and marketing presence has had a grande (venti?) impact on kids. From status symbols of socioeconomics in school, to age compression where caffeine-culture equates with being a … [Read more...]

healthGAMERS Part Two: Interview With Melanie Lazarus, MPH

June 30, 2009 Today in my Twitter feed (yes, I finally joined, see sidebar badge!) I immediately benefited from the 'following' phenom to shortcut my research time when a new friend/follower in Australia, Tania Andrusiak, pointed to today’s Scientific American story called “Take two video games and call me in the morning” ---('ReTweet' visual at left) Guess it's time for … [Read more...]

Hey Kids: Is There A Market for Healthy Games?

June 28, 2009 There's no question healthGAMERS are exploring the opportunities of using a "perceived problem as a solution" in the gaming world. Humana is now offering $5000 to create a healthy game concept, RWJF crowdsourced ideas in Teen Second Life with their Dream it. Do it. venture for healthier communities and Elf Island's already seeing therapeutic results in their … [Read more...]