April 17, 2015 Update In honor of National Library Week as I put the finishing touches on my presentation tomorrow about gender stereotypes and navigating unhealthy cues to kids, I'm sending a loud SHOUTOUT to remind that this book enlightens, informs, entertains, and lights the path for parents and educators alike to reverse the damage of some less than ideal pop culture cues. … [Read more...]
Her Next Chapter: Media Literacy Puts Mothers-Daughters On Same Page
SureFire Girls: Life Literacy For Teens in a Power-Packed Conference
Oct. 8, 2013 As the parent of a teen graduating high school, spring was like a surreal montage of college tours, anticipation, excitement and questions swirling in my brain.Did I give her enough savvy to navigate credit/debit financial literacy, branding and budgeting? Does she have body awareness and boundaries to carve out her own comfort zone in complicated core … [Read more...]
A Mighty Girl: Healthier Media Messaging, One Click Convenience
April 11, 2013 Update: Check out A Mighty Girl pics for Environmental Books and movies for green kidlit and Earth Day 2013! Dec. 10, 2012 What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature “Hey!” and some REAL Christmas cheer! A Mighty Girl holiday story: I’ve written about rampant sexualization and gendered absurdity narrowing choices in the toy aisle many times … [Read more...]
Toward The Stars: New Online Marketplace of Goods for Girls to Soar
Nov. 20, 2012 “To the moon!” was once an iconic working class phrase that 50s TV star Jackie Gleason made famous in mock-threat to his sitcom wife Alice in The Honeymooners. He'd shake his fist, “why, I oughta…kapow!” Nowadays, media like that would be rightfully trounced and denounced by domestic violence prevention and girl advocates across the board, as we instill … [Read more...]
Media Hypefest: Is Prom the New Wedding? A Teen’s Perspective
May 7, 2010 As the last vestiges of prom wind down along with Girls Rights Week, I wanted to land one last post in the queue exploring media and marketing’s impact on kids' expectations, reality show distortions, and 'over the top' depictions of celebratory fetes. From ‘proma-a drama,’ lavish limos and fantasy night fairytales (e.g. akin to the amped up MTV My Super Sweet … [Read more...]