Lego Friends: Please Build on Possibility, Brain Plasticity

April 28, 2016 "37 year old son of Lego billionaire takes the helm as Vice Chairman" Congrats, Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, now that you've inherited the Lego legacy, and named your daughter and five female cousins as 'most active owners' in the young generation family mix, I have high hopes we'll see some gender stereotypes disappear and brain plasticity triumph! Here's to … [Read more...]

Dear Media: Please Change Your Channel of Influence

Sept 12, 2011 After the ludicrous JCPenney toxic tee-shirt with a wink and nod to academic underachievement "I'm Too Pretty For Math, So My Brother Has To Do It For Me" and the fabulous rapid-reply from Pigtail Pals, Redefining Girly producing a proud and positive tee in response, "Pretty's Got Nothing to Do With It" it makes me wonder why media continues to cover the problems … [Read more...]

Using Media With Mindfulness

Update Jan. 14, 2016 Fame focus...don't bite the hook! Adding this excellent post by Ryan Holiday of the NY Observer calling out the recent Rolling Stone ratings raunch along with a slough of infamous examples of "shamelessness." It has a "spot on" tenor and a downright visceral headline: "This is the Hollowed-Out World That Outrage Culture Has Created" Yes. Yes, it … [Read more...]