Shaping Youth Is Backing The Illusionists Film About Media’s Body Blitz

Update Nov. 2, 2014 Talk about a greenlight! Excited to attend Elena's "PopUp Party" today screening her important 2015 documentary film (preview here). She'll be speaking at the 3PercentConference in S.F. tomorrow on "repicturing women" with Pam Grossman. Congrats on all, Elena!Eager to connect the dots on selling insecurity for profit and pushback on this global dynamic … [Read more...]

Harry Potter Alliance: Using Pop Culture Pervasiveness Positively

July 17, 2011 No, I haven’t seen the Harry Potter grand finale yet.Yes, it’s been covered from every angle, dominating Twitter streams, Facebook status lines and yielding the largest weekend box office on record with one out of four tickets sold going ka-ching for the wizard boy.And maybe it'll be worthy of the 3D hyped up media zeal, but like the Twilight series or any other … [Read more...]

Gen Y Book Launch: Coming of Age in a Crap Economy

July 12, 2011 Lately my generational layers have been interwoven like an Etsy blankie... Between my sandwich generation eldercare/teen scene and my Gen X and Gen Y nephews making the best of jobs and notching off bucket list "to-dos" sans responsibility and kids, it seems timely to expand my K-12 topics to cover the  launch of Coming of Age in a Crap Economy by Liz Funk, who … [Read more...]

Girl Caught: New Moon Girls Slams Sexualization of Kids

July 7, 2011 Good news! New Moon Girls has created a prototype ‘virtual girl caught sticker’ you can slap on some of the repeat brand offenders commodifying kids to call ‘em out social media style…In essence: "GIRL CAUGHT" so we can girlcott and start to seed change. Tired of sexploitation of kids to sell swimsuits? (must read media by PigtailPals about lead visual … [Read more...]

Vanished Edu-Game: 11 Yr Old Rylan Reports “Back from the Future”

June 20, 2011 Mission? Make learning fun. Investigators? Preteens. GameQuest? STEM studies, deeply rooted in gaming fun. I’ve been saving this post about MIT MediaLab/Education Arcade's Vanished game for today’s opening of the Games For Change festival in NYC, since their keynote speaker Al Gore has been taking questions @G4C on Twitter about best practices to engage … [Read more...]